Python - the programming language.
Python - My take. You know when you Google Search things like most expensive car or most expensive city to live in and then you accidentally remember the fact that you're in some way connected to Computer Science and then you type in Most Used Programming Languages in 2017 and then you get how a particular language is subjective to its project and type of software getting constructed. (Check this for example) However you still don't stop your search right there? You continue searching and then you find your answer (at least the way you like it) in a bubble graph form of which has been the most used language recently(as in 2017). Well, in my case I found Python. I have time at my side at the moment as I have nothing else to do except to maybe watch Paint dry so I gave some time to it. I started by the traditional Google Search "Python" and then after being redirected to the Official Python website I started reading i...